Gather Great Stories on Father’s Day

Dad and kids

Sometimes dads are forgotten and Father’s Day becomes that “last-minute throw something together” event. We can’t forget that dads have great stories about what they did as a child, what they did in school and of course, how they met mom. Grandparents are great storytellers as well, and you can hold their stories close to your heart and imagine what it is like to have been born in 1903.

Ask your father what he did as a child and stories of his dad. You may be surprised how similar they are to yours. So, on Father’s Day, listen to all the stories you can because what grandpa and dad did will be so different than what we do today, and these stories will become something to treasure forever!

Things to do with dad:

  • If you don’t live with your dad, give him a call. Ask him what type of phone he had as a child. You may be surprised that it was attached to the wall and you put your finger in a hole to dial or turn a handle!
  • If you can get to a lake or a beach and pack a picnic, this is a great time to ask about your dad’s best memories and of course, create some memorable ones to talk about years later.
  • Take dad for a hike and have lunch or dinner together afterwards.
  • Explore a heritage site in your area.
  • Buy dad a gift certificate online to his favourite store where he can shop online or at the store.
  • Have a backyard barbecue. Cooking outdoors is fun and the food tastes better.
  • For those on a tight budget, make a gift certificate on the computer or draw and colour one on paper. Make it to the value of: “A Clean Car – Washed and Vacuumed” by (insert your name).
  • A gift idea could be to buy matching baseball caps and wear them for the day.

Whatever you do, have fun, enjoy and capture the memories!

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Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

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