Archive for the ‘Social Etiquette’ Category

The Fitness and Etiquette Connection

Fitness, Exercise, Yoga and Pilates seem to be on people’s minds these days. The finer weather is approaching and we are all eager to get in shape. I am often asked, “Is there a connection between Fitness and Etiquette?” There is and, to provide more details, it is my pleasure to introduce the author of […]

Snow Etiquette Fundamentals

Consideration and Kindness Living in the Greater Vancouver area, I don’t have many opportunities to experience snow. When it comes, there is often a feeling of excitement, especially among children, and it often melts before it becomes too tiresome. However, the lack of experience with snow in this part of the world also often means […]

Hostess Gifts with Grace and Confidence

‘Tis the season for holiday entertaining! When you are invited and attend a holiday party, it is customary and good manners to show your appreciation with a gift for the host or hostess. If you are one of the many people who are confused or anxious about finding the perfect hostess gift for each event, […]

Etiquette Around People Who Have Disabilities

Although we often take our bodies for granted, they are not indestructible nor do they last forever. Those of us who consider ourselves “able-bodied” will find that this condition is only temporary and, at some point, whether through normal wear and tear or through injury or illness, we too will face the frustration of not […]

Dog Walking Etiquette

Living in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia where one in ten people own a dog, we are fortunate to share our community with many of our four legged. For the most part, dog owners are considerate of others when they are out with their dogs, but on occasion we are reminded that not everyone […]

How do you run a Home Based Business and entertain over- sea’s guests?

A dilemma faced by many. I was asked this question by a Home Based Business Owner, “I run a Home Based Business and have over-sea’s guests coming to stay, with me, for three weeks in the summer. While I welcome the company, how do I politely encourage them to go out each day so that […]

Breaking Bread

Breaking Bread. Could there  possibly be Table Etiquette rules about eating a piece of bread? Yes! It is not good table manners to pick up a piece of bread and use it as a baton. The etiquette rule being, don’t talk and wave your bread around in the air to emphasize your point. Take one […]

Community Etiquette Means Being a Good Neighbour

As I was out walking in my neighbourhood and enjoying a warm summer evening, I got to thinking about what makes a neighbourhood a great place to live. Of course, safety is important, so areas where the crime rate is high are not the nicest places to live. Clean and well-maintained streets also make a […]

In Life, Line Ups Happen

– Good Manners Helps Them Go a Little Smoother In today’s fast paced world, we often race around wanting to get things done as quickly as possible. And if we encounter a line that slows our progress, it’s easy to get impatient and frustrated either with the people ahead of us or with the serving […]

Movie Manners 101

Although theatres are getting more and more expensive, going out to a movie theatre can still be a fun evening out. But, that evening could be spoiled by poor etiquette by other movie patrons. To be respectful and considerate of others so everyone can enjoy the show, follow these five tips for good movie manners: […]

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