Movie Manners 101

Although theatres are getting more and more expensive, going out to a movie theatre can still be a fun evening out. But, that evening could be spoiled by poor etiquette by other movie patrons.

To be respectful and considerate of others so everyone can enjoy the show, follow these five tips for good movie manners:

  1. Turn off your cell phone. Most movie theatres remind people to turn off their phones before the movie begins. Don’t just turn off the ringer or put your phone on vibrate. If a call comes in during the movie, other people can still hear your phone vibrate and if you check your message or read and send a text message, in the darken theatre, the light from your phone seems as bright as a lighthouse beacon.
  2. Avoid the urge to comment out loud during the movie. Regardless of what you think of the movie, keep your opinions to yourself. Other people are there to watch the movie for themselves and do not want to hear what you think, especially not while the movie is playing. If you find yourself not interested in a show and would rather talk to your friend, it is polite to leave the theatre and have your discussion in a restaurant or cafe where you won’t disturb people trying to watch and listen to the film.
  3. Keep your feet on the floor It is nice to be comfortable while you watch a film, but not at the expense of the comfort of other movie patrons. Placing your feet on the back of the seat in front of you, gets dirt on that seat, puts your feet next to the face of the people sitting in that row, and shakes the entire row of seats.
  4. Provide room for people to pass you so they can get to their seats If you have long legs or bags that you place on the floor by your feet during the movie, be accommodating to people who need to get past you to get to their seats. You can stand up to allow more room for them to pass and pick up your belongs so they don’t stumble or trip on them as they try to get by.
  5. Don’t leave a mess behind If you have popcorn, drinks, or other snacks during the movie, clean up your area before you leave the theatre. Although, the theatre does have staff who will come through and pick up empty containers before the next show, you can make it easier by stacking your items neatly. Or even taking them with you and depositing them in a garbage bin yourself. If you spill a drink or anything that might be sticky, let the staff know so they can clean the area before another patron sits they or step in the mess.
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