Spring Cleaning with Respect

Now that we see a glimmer of sunshine, many people have started spring cleaning projects in their yards and homes. The warmer weather and the freshness of the budding trees and flowers inspire us to de-clutter, clean, and generally rejuvenate our surroundings. However, in our enthusiasm for these projects, we need to remember to be respectful of others.

The following guidelines will help you maintain good neighbour relations while you spruce up your home and yard: 

  • Don’t let your excitement on the first nice weekend of spring (or any other day) lure you into rising at the crack of dawn to get a head start mowing the grass or hammering loose fence boards back in place. Your neighbours will be more appreciative of your hard work if you postpone your noisy activities until after 9:00 or even 10:00 on a weekend morning.
  • When mowing your lawn, if you have an unmarked property line, it is good neighbourly etiquette to mow one to two feet past the property line to ensure there isn’t a strip of long grass between your yards.
  • If trimmings or debris fall into your neighbour’s yard, be sure to pick it up and remove them before you consider your work complete.
  • Consider what you will do with the debris and unwanted materials leftover from your cleaning. It might seem like an easy and sensible solution to dump it in a clearing or greenbelt area, if it’s yard waste after all, it will decompose. In truth, yard waste such as grass trimmings, moss, and weeds don’t decompose well in that environment. They remain an unsightly mess for months and the weeds often take root and can even harm natural environments by crowding out the native plants. Many cities have yard waste recycling facilities where you can take your debris so it doesn’t become someone else’s problem.
  • If your spring cleaning extends to replacing old appliances or furniture, also plan for the disposal of the old items. Appliance and furniture stores will often take your old items when they drop off the new ones. With a little investigation, you may also find charities or recycling companies that will pick up such equipment and keep it out of the landfills. In any case, your neighbours are not likely to appreciate seeing your old washing machine, dishwasher, or sofa in your driveway or by the curb for weeks after your project is complete.
  • Spring cleaning can be much more fun with a little music to get you moving. Unfortunately, your neighbours may not share your taste in music, so keep the volume in check. If you really need to hear it, use a headset.
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