As you begin your wedding plans you will discover that there are a number of special events that take place prior to the actual wedding. The wedding shower is one of these exciting events.
Traditionally, the Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids are responsible for planning and hosting the bridal shower.
Some people consider it improper for a relative of the bride to host the shower because attendees usually bring gifts; however, traditions have changed and relative-hosted showers are a common and accepted occurrence today. If the maid of honour or bridesmaids are unable to host the shower, other close friends are, quite often, delighted to step in.
Selecting a date for the wedding shower can be tricky.
Showers are generally held between four and six weeks prior to the wedding; however, the timing will depend on the bride’s schedule and the distance guests are travelling for the wedding. Be careful not to choose a date too close to the wedding day or the shower may interfere with other wedding plans and cause undue stress for the bride.
The guest list for the shower generally includes women who are close to the bride and groom.
The following people are generally included in the guest list:
- All women in the wedding party
- Mothers of the bride and groom
- Grandmothers of the bride and groom
- Stepmothers of the bride and groom
- Sisters of the bride and groom
- Other female family members (aunts, cousins, nieces)
- Female friends and co-workers of the bride and groom
Note that individuals who are not invited to the wedding are generally not invited to the shower.
Send the wedding shower invitations at least four weeks prior to the event and include a response card with the invitation so guests can RSVP.
You may also want to include return envelopes, addressed and stamped, to make it easy for guests to reply. Etiquette dictates that each invitation be addressed by hand using the formal format. Send a separate invitation to each shower guest even if they live with someone who is also invited to the shower. For example, if a mother and daughter live in the same household, they should each receive their own invitation.
Following the shower, the bride will need to send thank you notes as soon as possible.
The shower hostess is responsible for keeping a record of who brought each gift so the bride will be able to personalize the thank you note by mentioning the gift.
The wedding shower is the start of many fun-filled, memorable events for the bride and “all the girls.” Enjoy!