Ebooks and Audio Products

Practice makes perfect…develop good etiquette skills effortlessly and with natural ease.
Add Elizabeth’s Audio’s to your mobile library and listen to them while driving in your car. Or, if you prefer, read them in PDF format.

Etiquette for Teenagers

Stand out in the Crowd…..
Create a foundation for Career Success with natural and well developed social skills.

Social Etiquette

Great social skills… Essential elements in your career success and in life!

Business Etiquette

First impressions are important – Make yours a memorable one – knowing the correct Business Etiquette to survive, now and for life, in a global financial crisis.

Make the best impression. Market yourself with great social and communication skills.

Etiquette & Your Family

Create harmony in the household…
Give your children the gift of great manners and communication skills

Making the Best Impression, Modern Business & Social Etiquette

Making the Best Impression,

Modern Business & Social Etiquette

Date: Thursday October 15th,2009
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PST
Burnaby Continuing Education
Byrne Creek
To Register: Tel: 604-664-8888

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